Be the tertiary education institution of the first choice for students of Saint Vincent and Grenadines and for other Caribbean nationals and International students.
Provide opportunities for working professionals, who will not only get an understanding of Human Management Theory but will also have the opportunity to gain practical experience, while developing their critical and analytical thinking skills.
Equip its students with the management knowledge, skills, and values for self-development.
Provide opportunities for values, education, discipline, and training.
Foster personal development of its students.
Provide students with the foundation knowledge and skills to pursue further academic training with other Universities Internationally.
Provide students with the skills for self-development and ability to complete the program successfully and find gainful employment in the global society.
Provide services that will enable the students to make meaningful contributions to the development of the community and become useful members of the national, regional, and global society.
The qualifications also support Continuing Professional Development (CPD), as well as enabling progression to careers in Management.
Promoting and enabling active citizenship and democratic engagement.
Contributing to the local economy as a major employer and consumer of services as well as a provider of skills training.